ENISA and the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority organise the 6th ENISA NCSS workshop

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ENISA is co-organising together with the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA) the 6th ENISA NCSS workshop in Helsinki, Finland on the 18th of September 2018.

The event will focus on the development, implementation and evaluation of NCSS and the creation of  Information Sharing and Analysis Centres (ISACs) in the EU.

Experts from different Member States will present and discuss development approaches, best practices, challenges and opportunities around these topics.

The objectives of this one-day workshop are :

  • To get an update on national cyber security strategies.
  • To present and discuss ISACs, as a platform that supports collaboration - a key objective of all national cyber security strategies.
  • To bring stakeholders from the public and the private sector together.

The Commission proposal Sept 2017,  Article 6 – paragraph 2, quotes ENISA as the Agency to facilitate the establishment of and continuously support sectoral Information Sharing and Analysis Centres (ISACs), in particular in the sectors listed in Annex II of Directive (EU) 2016/1148, by providing best practices and guidance on available tools, procedure, as well as on how to address regulatory issues related to information sharing.

We invite you to join us! Please register here:

More details on the agenda can be found here